Floor Tech Limited
By far, the greatest concern in the flooring industry is the failure of a floor covering due to excessive moisture conditions. Vapor intrusion into occupied space is also a concern for indoor air quality issues, with more than half the States developing standards regarding moisture intrusion. With many moisture introduction sources available, the most prominent source in regard to flooring is concrete.

Since moisture vapor emission levels directly determine which floor covering is appropriate, moisture vapor levels should be discovered prior to the specification of a floor covering. This will avoid remedial action to correct any excessive moisture condition. Installation of a floor covering should never occur if moisture levels are unknown. Limitations have been designated for the specific floor covering material by the manufacturer.

Floor Tech Ltd. is certified in moisture testing procedures and can accommodate any size facility for evaluation. All testing is in compliance with ASTM specifications, which allow the results to be accurate and reliable.

Due to the fact that many floor coverings fail from excessive moisture conditions, an independent evaluation is a very valuable resource in preventing failures. The documentation, being independent, is a great asset for liability concerns in the event of future problems.

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Professional Flooring Services, Inspections, and Consultation across the Country for over 45 years.